The first part of the training course dedicated to Social Theatre Operators, held in Rome starting from October 2021, was successfully concluded a few weeks ago. The majority of the lessons were held in person by the teachers of the five macro-areas of the project:: a) Theatrical Pedagogy (Elements of various theatrical methodologies); b) Training and group management (leadership, techniques of play and group animation, …); c) Artistic area (Elements of arts and art-therapies, Elements of history of the theatre. ..); d) “Scientific” area (neuroscience, educational sciences, anthropology, sociology …) e) Management area (communication and social media, structural and administrative planning, project working …).

In the next newsletter we will inform you about the workshops (already started in many cities) that will complete the training process of the course through May 2022. Some interviews with teachers, several photos and videos of the lessons are visible on the social profiles of Oltre le Parole onlus: and on the youtube channel of OLP per Restore

 (Photo: Restore-Italy class group)