On the occasion of the last meeting of the project partners, which will be held in Poland at Bielsko Biala (Teatr Grodzky headquarters), Oltre le Parole launched an initiative to strengthen the partnership between the two countries (Italy and Poland) and put into practice the very objectives of the Restore project. Some Italian professionals, thanks to the availability and collaborative spirit of Magdalena Zelent (a Polish director who lives in Italy and has attended Oltre le Parole’s training courses in the past), will carry out some activities in the city of Warsaw in the week from 20 to 24 June. During the first four days of the week, Italian and Polish professionals will work together in two elementary schools in the city, with the aim of experiencing Social and Community Theatre activities with children and teachers: not only Polish children, but also those from other countries, as well as new involuntary guests from Ukraine. A concrete opportunity to express themselves, get to know each other, connect. On 24 June, professionals from Oltre le Parole and Polish experts will meet at the prestigious Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw, to discuss issues related to social and community theatre. They will talk about the ‘Restore’ project and Oltre le Parole’s initiatives in the field of research, methodology and the attempt to network in Europe on the matter. We will give feedback on the activities in the next issue of the newsletter.